
    The International College of Southwest University visited our college

    On April 26th, led by Director Liu Meng, the delegation from the International College of Southwest University came to the College of International Education (CIE) of SWUFE to have a research meeting. CIE Dean Liang Ting, Deputy Dean Wang Xin, Dean Assistant Wang Binyu, other CIE colleagues, and a teacher from the School of Humanities participated in this meeting.

    Liang Ting extended a warm welcome to Liu Meng and SWU colleagues' visit. She introduced the general situation and recent work of CIE, as well as the considerations for the further development of international education in the next few years. Liu Meng also introduced the relevant works and progress of Southwest University. The two parties conducted a comprehensive and in-depth discussion on the recruitment, academic plan, management & services, and alumni liaison of international students.

    During the meeting, the two parties also looked forward to the situation of international education in the post-pandemic period and the challenges and opportunities faced by the two universities in the context of the Chengdu-Chongqing dual-city economic circle. They believed that the impact of the pandemic on international education work is only temporary. Universities should do a solid job of internal development in the current period, and accumulate energy for the new growth of international education.

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