
    Opening Ceremony of 2016 spring term held successfully

    At 10:00 a.m. on 29th February, 2016, opening ceremony of 2016 spring term was held by College of International Education at Room 301, West Teaching Building. Deputy dean Prof. Wang xin, dean assistant Mr. Wang Binyu, as well as other staff attended the ceremony. This semester we invited police officers of the Exit and Entry Administration Division of Chengdu to explain China's relevant laws and regulations as well as the matters related to study in China for our students.

    After the police officer’s detailed information, we introduced students the basic fact of the university and CIE, our office as well as life in Chengdu. At the end of the ceremony, the police officers helped to take students’ visa application. Students do not need to go to the PSB, which is very convenient. As an extension of PSB’s services, this is the first time in recent years that the police officers took visa applications on campus.

    Through this opening ceremony, the students have a clear understanding of the study life in SWUFE. With the acceleration of internationalization of Chengdu, CIE try to seize the opportunity to attract more international students to study in SWUFE. The opening ceremony achieved a good effect in deepening the understanding of SWUFE and improving their sense of belonging.

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