
    15 SWUFE Courses Selected as the National First-class Undergraduate Courses

    The Ministry of Education officially announced the first batch of national first-class undergraduate course accreditation results recently.

    15 courses from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics were listed, among which the success rate of applying for the three categories of "Gold courses" was 100%. The selected national first-class undergraduate courses include 7 first-class online courses, 4 first-class in-classroom courses, 3 first-class hybrid courses, and 1 first-class social practice course.

    Curriculum is at the core of nurturing talents and the quality of curriculum has a profound impact on the quality of talent nurturing process. Following the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thought of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics has been implementing the fundamental task of fostering talents with moral education.

    SWUFE has continued to deepen educational and teaching reforms , promote overall development of "gold course", and pursued innovation in curriculum reform. SWUFE has also made continuous improvement of the quality of curriculum through robust evaluation of courses and transformation of teaching paradigms.

    The university will continue to take on the opportunity of "Double-First Class Plan”, adhere to the principles of “nurturing talents for the party and the nation, and further strengthen the development of first-class undergraduate courses.

    Leading the training of first-class talents with "New Finance" philosophy, SWUFE will aim at its new positioning, focus on new systems and seize new opportunities. By innovating talent training models and reforming the evaluation mechanism, SWUFE will be able to achieve a high-caliber talent training system and comprehensively improving talents develop skills.

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