
    SWUFE Students Achieved Great Results in 2020 Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling

    Recently, the results of the 2020 Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM) has been announced. SWUFE teams have achieved excellent results, winning 1 national first prize, 8 national second prizes, 41 provincial first prizes, 33 provincial second prizes and 4 provincial third prizes.

    The Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM) is a mass scientific and technological activity sponsored by the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Started in 1992, the annual CUMCM is one of the first 19 contests to be included in the "Higher Discipline Contest Rankings". In 2020, more than 130,000 contestants from 1,470 universities/campuses across China, the United States, the United Kingdom and Malaysia have signed up for the contest with 45,680 teams (41,826 undergraduate teams and 3,854 junior college teams)

    A total of 169 teams and 407 students from SWUFE participated in the competition. Nine faculty members from the Institute of Mathematical Modeling of the School of Economic Mathematics were responsible for organizing, selecting, training and supervising the contestants.

    During the COVID-19 outbreak, these faculty members overcame all kinds of difficulties and effectively guided students to study independently and fostered the spirit of cooperation and innovation capacity among the contestants through online teaching, online communication and extracurricular activities.

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