
    The Exit-Entry Administration of Chengdu Public Security Bureau and Qingyang District Foreign Affairs Office Came to SWUFE to Investigate COVID-19 Prevention and Control Work

    On the afternoon of February 13, Wang Lin, Director of the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Chengdu Public Security Bureau, and Gao Yu, Deputy Director of the Qingyang District Committee Office and Director of the District Foreign Affairs Office, led a team to Guanghua campus to visit international students and also investigate management work during the pandemic prevention and control period. Li Yongqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of SWUFE, and heads of the Security Department and College of International Education accompanied this visit. Li Yongqiang warmlywelcomed them and reported the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control work and the management & services of international students. The two parties also conducted in-depth exchanges on issues such as information sharing on the big data platform for international students.

    The investigating team came to the office of the SWUFE pandemic prevention and control work leading group and the Boxue #2 dormitory building for international students, and expressed condolences to the representatives of international students on campus. Wang Lin and Gao Yu talked cordially with the international students to know their lives and their conditions during the pandemic prevention and control period. They urged international students to take good care of daily protection, pay attention to their health, and communicate closely with school teachers. The international students introduced to the investigating team the care, help and detailed arrangements for them during the pandemic prevention and control period, and expressed that they would actively cooperate with the university to overcome the difficulties. Our international students also expressed their blessings to the people in the pandemic area, hoping to win the end of the pandemic prevention and control as soon as possible. The research team fully acknowledged SWUFE’s management services for international students during the pandemic prevention and control period, and stated that SWUFE provided a strong guarantee for the prevention and control of the pandemic because of its accurate basic data, solid management measures, and care and services in place.

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