
    The meeting of annual review of the Chinese Government Scholarship in 2021

    On the morning of April 14, 2021, the College of International Education (CIE) organized a meeting on the annual review of the Chinese Government Scholarship in 2021. International student counselors or foreign affairs officers from 13 schools attended this meeting.

    At the meeting, CIE staff who is in charge of the Chinese Government Scholarship management explained the new policies and requirements of the China Scholarship Council for the annual review work in 2021. She highlighted the quantitative and qualitative evaluation and scoring standards and emphasized the importance of material review as well as colleges’ control over the review details. There were consultations and active discussions on various issues such as scholarship extension. In the end, colleagues from CIE also elaborated on other topics, like course selection, the language of thesis writing, and the campus gate access system.

    The annual review of the Chinese Government Scholarship in 2021 will be carried out in the near future. CIE will follow the relevant regulations of the China Scholarship Council and the "SWUFE Implementation Rules for the Annual Review of the Chinese Government Scholarship", cooperating with other schools, to ensure a fair and effective review work.

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