Registration Process
Student Type
| Undergraduate / Postgraduate / General Visiting / Senior Visiting Student
| Chinese Language Student
Registration Day
| Check-in and collect orientation materials Purchase of medical insurance
Pay tuition fees
Register with your department
Register for Opening Ceremony of New Semester
| Check-in and collect orientation materials Purchase of medical insurance
Pay tuition fees
Complete the Chinese Placement Test
Purchase Chinese course materials
Register for Opening Ceremony of New Semester
1-2 weeks after Registration
| Collect campus card
Apply for student ID card
Do medical examination
Registration for accommodation and visa procedures
| Chinese course timetable confirmation
Registration for accommodation and visa procedures
International students should register on the registration date shown on their admission letter. When registering, please bring the following documents:
Admission Letter (Original)
Valid Passport and student visa (Original)
JW201/202 form (Original)
Diploma & Graduation Certificate and Transcript (Original)
Certificates of Language Proficiency (Original)
Medical Report with attachments (Original)
Other documents (if have)
Note: The registration procedure must be completed by the student in person and cannot be delegated to another person. Students must pay their tuition fees in full on or before the day of registration, otherwise the registration process cannot be completed properly.
If you are unable to register on time, please contact the Admissions Office of the College of International Education in a timely manner, stating the reason for your late arrival. Failure to register on time for more than 1 week without a reason will be regarded as an abstention.